1753 Wilton Bridge, Elevation and Ichnography

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1753 Wilton Bridge, Elevation and Ichnography

Image displayed may not be an exact representation of the image in the library. Colour and contrast may differ.

Image Details

Title Wilton Bridge, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, print of elevation and ichnography
Description Black and white print giving the details of elevation and ichnography of Wilton bridge, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire.

Information from British Library website:
Copy held in the library's "The Topographical Collection of George III"
Published by Edward Cave, London, August 1753

The upper print, "The Elevation of Wilton Bridge..." is an etching and engraving print
The lower print, "Ichnography of Wilton Bridge over the Wye..." is a woodcut and letterpress print

Information from Wikipedia:
Regarding "GentMag. p.355." in the top left corner of the upper print "The Elevation of Wilton Bridge..."
This is short for the "Gentleman's Magazine" which was a monthly magazine founded in London by Edward Cave in 1731.
Photographer / artist unknown
Publisher Edward Cave (London)
Date August 1753
Type Image
Format Photograph
Identifier Lp219
Area Ross-on-Wye
Collection Holder Herefordshire Libraries