G36-538-01 Four ladies, a man and a dog grouped by the steps of a portico with fluted columns at the front of a large house .jpg

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G36-538-01 Four ladies, a man and a dog grouped by the steps of a portico with fluted columns at the front of a large house .jpg

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Image Details

Title Four ladies, a man and a dog grouped by the steps of a portico with fluted columns at the front of a large house
Description A black and white photograph of four ladies, a man and a dog outside a portico with fluted columns at the entrance to a large house. A lady in a white dress with large dark hat and a gentleman wearing a suit are standing, his hat is on the ground. A young lady is seated on a step with a dark cocker spaniel. Two older ladies are seated on chairs, the older lady has a lace cap and parasol, the other lady has a very large hat with flowers.
Photographer / artist Bustin Studios
Publisher Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre
Date [1900-1910]
Type Image
Format Photograph
Identifier G36/538/01
Area Unknown
Collection Holder Herefordshire Archives