The staff of Friar's Garage at Green Dragon Garage, 1908

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The staff of Friar's Garage at Green Dragon Garage, 1908

Image displayed may not be an exact representation of the image in the library. Colour and contrast may differ.

Image Details

Title The staff of Friar's Garage at Green Dragon Garage, 1908
Description A black and white photograph of the staff of Fryer's Garage, crowded around, and in, a Humber car, taken in the yard of the Green Dragon garage. 1. Archie Davies, 1st on staff. 2. -,3.-, 4. Corbet Winder, 5.G.H. Butcher, Managing Director. 6.-, 7. Langford, 8.-, 9. "Mac the Forge", 10.-, 11. George Berrow, 12. Burcher. 16. Ernie Brown, later with the A.A. 17. Cecil Price, London and Lancs Insurance. 18. Dave Whittell, Later chauffeur to G.H. Brierley of Bush Bank. 19. Sid Harris, 20.-. Extra information regarding vehicles and personnel was gained at Bustin Exhibition..
Photographer / artist Bustin Studios
Publisher Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre
Date 1908
Type Image
Format Photograph
Identifier G36-544-10
Area Hereford
Collection Holder Herefordshire Archives