Herefordshire History is a local history project run by Herefordshire Libraries
Title: Haymaking, Lugg Meadows, Hereford
Type: Image
Date Published: Unknown
Description: Black and white photograph of the haymaking in the Lugg Meadows, just outside Hereford.
Title: Gloucester Inn garden, Hereford 1925
Date Published: 1925
Description: Black and white photograph of the boundary wall of Gloucester Inn behind Berrington Street, Hereford, 1925.
Title: All Saints church, south porch, Hereford
Description: Black and white photograph showing the south porch of All Saints church in Hereford
Title: Cider racking, Pembridge
Description: Black and white photograph of cider racking in Pembridge
Title: All Saints Church, south porch, Hereford
Description: Black and white photograph showing the south porch or All Saints church at the end of Broad Street in Hereford city centre
Title: Hurdle Making, Wellington
Description: Black and white photograph of a man hurdle making in Wellington, Herefordshire.
Title: Hop picking
Description: Black and white photograph of hop picking
Title: Watkins Octaval Ruler
Date Published: unknown
Description: Black and white photograph of an octaval ruler by Mr A Watkins.
Title: Eign Street, excavated ribs of vaults, 1923
Date Published: 1923
Description: Black and white photograph showing the excavated ribs of vaults found under Greyhound Hotel, number 88 and 89 Eign Stree, Hereford, 1983
Title: Hereford Imperial Mill - straps wheels etc.
Description: Black and white photographs of strap wheels and related equipment at Hereford Imperial Mill
Title: Eign Road, Hereford,1924
Description: Black and white photograph of Eign Road, Hereford,1924
Title: Hereford Imperial Mill, Hereford, gear shaft
Description: Black and white photograph of the gearing in Hereford Imperial Mill, Hereford.
Title: All Saints Church, Hereford, sundial, 1928
Date Published: 1928
Description: Black and white photograph showing the sundial on the exterior of All Saints Church in the centre of Hereford, 1928
Title: Tupsley Memorial Cross, Hereford
Description: Black and white photograph of the memorial cross in Tupsley, Hereford.
Title: Nash's House, High Town, Hereford, fireplace 1930
Date Published: 1930
Description: Black and white photograph of a derelict fireplace in Nash's house, High Town, Hereford taken in 1930.
Title: Kenchester, excavations, plate 9, 1912-1913
Date Published: 1912-13
Description: Black and white photograph showing the Kenchester, excavations, altar as found, plate 9, 1912-1913
Title: Nash's House, High Town, Hereford, wattle and daub, 1930
Description: Black and white photograph of the remaining wattle and daub in Nash's House, High Town, Hereford taken in 1930.
Date of Burial: 18th August 1910
Plot Number: 4025
Consecrated: Unconsecrated
Date of Burial: 6th September 1910
Plot Number: 1
Consecrated: Consecrated
Date of Burial: 13th September 1910
Plot Number: 4100
Date of Burial: 1st October 1910
Plot Number: 4055
Date of Burial: 20th October 1910
Plot Number: 4101
Date of Burial: 8th November 1910
Plot Number: 4099
Date of Burial: 21st November 1910
Plot Number: 4103
Date of Burial: 14th December 1910
Plot Number: 4104
Date of Burial: 4th January 1911
Plot Number: 328
Date of Burial: 13th January 1911
Plot Number: 151
Date of Burial: 1st February 1911
Plot Number: 327
Date of Burial: 6th February 1911
Plot Number: 326
Date of Burial: 9th February 1911
Plot Number: 4098
Date of Burial: 10th February 1911
Plot Number: 2
Date of Burial: 13th February 1911
Plot Number: 51
Date of Burial: 14th February 1911
Plot Number: 152
Date of Burial: 28th February 1911
Plot Number: 4097
Date of Burial: 16th March 1911
Plot Number: 4105
Date of Burial: 22nd March 1911
Plot Number: 4054
Date of Burial: 30th March 1911
Plot Number: 101