Portrait of Sir Anthony Browne with inscription

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Portrait of Sir Anthony Browne with inscription

Image displayed may not be an exact representation of the image in the library. Colour and contrast may differ.

Image Details

Title Portrait of Sir Anthony Browne with inscription
Description A black and white photograph of a painted portrait with an inscription of Sir Anthony Brown, Knight of the Garter (c.1500-1548). He was a Member of Parliament and served as Master of the Horse to King Henry VIII. He is wearing the Great George badge of the Order of the garter around his neck. The painting bears a heavy resemblance to the one of Sir Anthony Browne held at the National Portrait Gallery by an unknown artist, although there are small differences, such as the layout and certain spellings in the inscription.

The upper-left inscription reads:
"He lyvynge, was all at one tyme, and to hys
deathe: Master of the Horse to Kynge
Henry the Eyght: and after to Kynge Ed-
ward (e)y Syxthe: Capytayne of bothe theyre
Maiestes Gentilemen Pentioners. Chefe
stanadard Bearer of England. Ivstice in oyer,
of all theyre forrestes, parkes, and chases: be
yond the ryver of Trent northward. Levte
navnt of the forrestes of Wyndsor, Wolmar,
and Ashedowne: wyth dyvers parkes and chases
sowthward. One of the execvtors, to Kynge
Henry the Eyght. One of theyre Maiestes
honorable prive coynceil and knyght and
companion, of The Most Noble
Order, of the Garter."

The lower inscription reads:
"He ended his lyfe the sixthe of May in the seconde yere of Kynge Edward the sixth 1548 at Byflet Howse in Surrey: by him bylded,
and lyeth Bwryd at Battell in Sussex by Dame Alice hys fyrst wyfe; where he began a statly howse, since proceded in by hys sonne
and heyer Anthony Vicecount Mowndegue sceefe standard bearer of England; Lewtenant of the forest of Windsor wyth other
parkes, one of the quene Maryes honble privey councell and knight and companion of the most noble order of the garter
controwler to Kynge Henry the eyght and chauncellor of hys dowtchy of Lancaster and after Lord chamberleyne to Quene Mary,
Constable of the Tower of London, and one of theyre honorable privey cowncell; seaven sonnes, Anthonie of is proper name,
Willyam Henry, Francis, Thomas, George and Henry Browne. He had allso by her thre dawghters Mary, Mabell and Lucy.
His second and last wyfe was the lady Elizabeth Garret:after countess of Lyncolne and one of trhe dawghters of Gerrard Erle
of Kyldare, by whoe he had too sonnes Edward and Thomas whych dyed both in theyre infancie"
Photographer / artist Bustin Studios
Publisher Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre
Date Unknown
Type Image
Format Photograph
Identifier G36-438-01
Area Unknown
Collection Holder Herefordshire Archives