Captain Sir Archer Croft Bt. and James Herbert Croft

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Captain Sir Archer Croft Bt. and James Herbert Croft

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Image Details

Title Captain Sir Archer Croft Bt. and James Herbert Croft
Description A black and white photograph of Captain Sir Archer Croft (1868-1915) standing with his son James Herbert Croft (1907-1941). He is in the uniform of a Captain of the Herefordshire Regiment, wearing a Rifle Belt and a pistol in a leather holster. His son is dressed similarly. They are standing in front of a studio backdrop.
His son later became Captain of the Herefordshire regiment, and passed in 1941 during the Second World war.
See also G36-365-02.
Photographer / artist Bustin Studios
Publisher Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre
Date [1914 -1915]
Type Image
Format Photograph
Identifier G36-401-01
Area Herefordshire
Collection Holder Herefordshire Archives