Derek Evans obituary - Royal Photographic Society
Derek Evans obituary - Royal Photographic Society
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Image Details
Title | Derek Evans obituary - Royal Photographic Society |
Description | Derek Evans obituary - Royal Photographic Society |
Photographer / artist | Unknown |
Publisher | Royal Photographic Society |
Contributor(s) | Keith James |
Date | Unknown |
Type | Manuscript |
Format | Magazine |
Identifier | |
Area | Herefordshire |
Collection Holder | Private collection |
Creator | Royal Photographic Society |
Subject | Derek Evans obituary |
Classification number | |
Language | English |
Transcription |
DEREK EVANS FRF'S FRSA l'mclmuce m Hml‘md. workmg clueny far The A Hen/find Cum and Bullm. Dcrck Evallx FRI’S, who has died Aged 32, web fur nearly hall .\ n. my pelhups me mm: Mddy mcoglllstd rue: umoug locul journullsu Born [be $0" of a WeNI miner. Ills childhood pawun nu phumgmphy wzn mlcnumgw by lhn<e who §aw hm (alcm In a camel of lhe darkened plnjectlnn mom 3“ lbs Rllz all-lama. films and pril - cullld bc ~afbl) dcvcloped under me luleluge of mgnllm Roy slum 7 hiumlf .l km photographer, In 1953, hemmed TllcNLllmml/ (inwmphu mam [0 cover (he Queen‘s Camuaum bang pmllloned up u lamppusl in The Mall. He gamed :m an ' le lvplflanon mmughoux Eumpe m the 1950:. bclng pm ully wrll pllbllshcd In French plmm magazincs and same of h pic|ure> are mluvcd ”I The Eelglan Pholo Muscum m Antwerp I.“ 1957, Dekk opcnrd hm finuludluxll Broad Slrecl The vml'k was almml cnllmly for local. rcgmml and nullonul newspAperav Fleet Sued mu m in mum. uud mmm om flowed from T/w Duh alum I/w Mirmn The TIME: and (Ilhfir dailiex now lou in lllnc finch u The Dam Hamill and TN! SAM/l He Mm prollfic m elucrlug phnmgmphit compellllons, and pnnt» wnlve \Allh Gum um! 0|th llwurd~ fmln rcglonal. nalional and lnlcmaliolul even“. By |960, lndepcndunl Tclcvmon necded akllled mlllcmlllell Hc pmdlaslxl u llllllm Suuuluul Alriflex value” Alamul‘lumwzzomuvun «Lumen .u Wm pmbably me um cxpcnmc pllolographlc uuu wld m the county to uuu date The [Elev Hun uuuuu qulL'kly recugnhed hlm as mar ‘slnngcr' camcmmall (m the mu. and soon he w r “mg new» evellh .Icm\\ lhe county uul pan: orWul ulm u dml). lu was. u The Abe-1am DNJHCL me :Irlckell commumly gmw lncrmxlngly hmllle l0 {he uuruuou m' "1: pm For back, mm was n0 such problem. thaps Ilka xwuu who Ven\: such other » fuelln‘N [he mum uud mu cumcm can ying son on chh uum :lmply gm un mm the“ work Delek gmueu lm FRPS m 1966. gmng oulo b: a qundlng mambcl 01 me RPS Phnlojolll uulum Gmupu and later m- creamer uml [hen chmr In 1971, Duck gavc hu mm: (on fire m Hereford mum meull Club. muklug a pmlnuhunal film ulul co helping in iu sumcsflu] demon no me football league, A5 a young man, he Ind pluyucl {m smewmury Town FC. um: lud u m long lnlcmsl In pen. Derek: mum file~ luvs coveuge of Hemfold Unwed for mm 50 yeun. includmg me mzmumblc cncuulller helween me home mum and Ncwcmne Lumen, wuh a nu: plclure ohm,- Run Rulruul goal A, ‘4 kecn cnckclcn Derek played for many \cawm ml Hclflord Cu) Spam Club. uud m 1963 uuul u m a cnckel couch, ll nm wen u me gmx golf lollmllmrlm puologmphiug for (he London agency Cumem he». Lhen Derek was plflylng numcll. and became Cupuuu ochleiurd Gnll’tlub m 1987 Dual um u number of bulb the \elevmon union Am and lb: NU] H: servad as lrcafllrer. and Wm chalr uf'he luau chapel m 11w NU] l'urovel 14 yams In I968. m lh: age am. he was one of IWO Libenluo be elcclcd m Herefold Cily Couml He bccznr emu of Hereford Romy Club m 1971. and was elected leeml clly cmlnclllnl on Hemfnrd Clly Cnlmcll \he um ycu For more [hm so years. Derek‘s camcm recorded lragedy and m‘umph, Cunfllcl and mn<|ruulinn from Aberllln \(1 me great Cup mm of Hereford Ullllcd, from tally mm c of The Walsh Nulouuliuu m the bulldlng unhe um Severn Bridge Negmluumu (Ht m hand no dtposll hl\ llICIIiVC wllh Hereford Cunnly Recnrd’a orruc. H: l) survlvcd by m wlf: hubcl uml um daughlen, Luulu, Chmuuc uua Dlanuv Keith 1mm |